Role:  Social Media Consultant
Company: The San Francisco Chronicle / SFGate.com
Brief: Led social media coverage supporting the 49ers Insider tablet magazine
Press: The Chronicle launches 49ers INSIDER digital magazine

Role: Director of Marketing
Company: Greenlight Apparel
Brief: Ran all comms for B2B apparel co. & social venture fighting child labor
Author: “Change from Within” (Triple Pundit)

Role: Communications Consultant
Company: Barbary Coast Consulting, for US Airline Pilots Assoc. 
Brief: Conducted internal communications campaign for pilots union
Author: (ghostwriter) “Miracle on the Hudson” (Newsweek) 

Role: Political Consultant, Campaign Manager
Campaigns: Cheng for Supervisor (’08) , Murase for School Board (’08), Caserta for Assembly (’08), Yes on A&B (’07-08), SFSOS/Black for Supervisor (’04-06), No on J&K (’04), Newsom for Mayor (field manager ’03-04), Moeller for Congress (’02), continued. 
Work Product: candidate interview; campaign advertisement; campaign advertisement

Role: PR Account Supervisor
Company: Pat Meier Associates, IncubatePR

Before Time
Arts & Entertainment Beat Writer
Company: The Des Moines Register